A Little Bit Of Heaven

A Little Bit Of Heaven

Monday, December 9, 2013


 Hi! I am the Weaver of Tales. My life has been filled with Hubby, friends and school. I have never been an idle person even while watching TV.  When you retire you down size, too busy to have any more work then necessary. Now I am following my own advice completing some of my many projects and books. Every time I finish one it gives me a warm fuzzy. I always enjoy a wonderful smile and I believe laughter keeps me young at heart. Check out my published books “The Bluegrass Dream” (Kentucky Frontier) and “Natchez Above the River” (Civil War) by Ruth Thompson on Amazon

Little Snow Flake from the sky,
Falling gently on his side.

Painting our land with white snow,
How you shine with lights that glow.

Christmas trees with your soft cover,
Bringing joy to one another.

Homes look cheerful for this day,
Kids excited with snow play.

Papa shovels the walk clean,
Adding to the winter scene.

Children stocking’s have been hung,
Glories to Christ have been sung.

The smell of ham fills the rooms,                         
Christmas dinner will be soon.      
Colorful packages are wrapped.
Grandpa is taking his late nap.

What a lovely joyous day,
Christ, the gift is on the hay.

Gifts of love and peace are here,
Christ, beloved son, is near.
           Ruth Thompson 

Merry Christmas to one and all